what is root android

what is root android

so hey guys needed to hear and we'll betalking about and concept for android are you talkingabout truth is what you can use your route for andwhether you should rule or not so luther is printed editionsapple's writing and most quoted which means can change stop yes and settings you canyou moves that's not lancers like the touchwiz or she sends he stole a buncha room only a you can update assistant even you yourmanufacture hadn't sent out the update

basically you can you move to a newplace a system me who don't like to lose loungers hadsuch lease or at least sense you can 72 replacing the stockandroid venue political heat backups david inaccordance basically can't do a buncha stuff thatyou only can do with your router which include a lot and a lot up through only ups which fine many tipson on you too and inns machine is child rule or not hot sainted probablydrooled if you like to be for them

cool stuff that features that googleproblem lamenting hughes years from now and in the mainreason must be the waiting time for system updates ifyou have her manufacturer which whom past lounge don't have to wait up four month for yougives update you know when your room did you probablycan give the the bell for days under lee and the much faster than you that yes drew's personal

rooted they had an outdated the whichneil the many veterans and updates for anymore yanni the problem was rooting must be fact it's rudy a little run making thatmine say unglued which means no one can eversee you have been rooted and you'll get onetoday cyl that's not that big problem but itis a problem and if you ever make up things staythey're also becoming anti-media i through that must and wrongs

which mean you can also find help for aspecific device there's a person is now out we've moved house using diff is different from thelast by union routing you must find die this alluded me your own device so whenyou're searching for a guy you need to attack and a specific deviceas the files that drive up the system must be to becorrect know that love my eyes explain bitchabout ruling hope you enjoyed and learned alittle more i'll

use subject and thank you for let jim do