jim, tell us, what are the building blocksof a reinsurance program? well, i guess there's three parts of it. thefirst part is the reinsurance company. you need the insurance company or the direct writer.the fully capitalized, preferably a-rated company in the u.s. that issues the insurancepolicy. so that's number one. but that company has to be agreeable to reinsuring the businessinto your reinsurance company on the tail end. and i guess that's part number threeas far as what i'm saying. but then you need part number two, which is basically eitherthe boring part, or the necessities for having an insurance program. and that's the abilityto design the policy, to issue the policy, to administer the policy, and to pay the claimson the policy. you need all those building
blocks. and if anybody knows me, they knowthat i'm kind of a nerd, and i like technology. and we have spent a great amount of moneydeveloping the technology for the distribution of our product. so we've got the front endand the back end, but i'm as proud of the middle part as anything. and people have heardwhat we've coined the term of our software. about five years ago, we knew we needed abetter way of inputting certificates when a dealer produced business. and we were havingtrouble with the dms providers, everybody is aware of what the dms providers are, andwe developed an online entry system five years ago. and where are we located? our home officeis in albuquerque, new mexico. we were looking for a good name for it. o.l.e. online entry.what the heck. our system is called olã©.
and now we have all the dealers that we dobusiness with have the ability to input their policies through olã© directly into our systemso they have immediate real-time introduction of their polices. we also have dms integration,and we're in the process of trying to make an arrangement with every dms provider, sothat the dealers also have the option of dms integration as well as olã©. we do a lot ofused car business. and so the used car dealers, they don't have the sophisticated dms systemslike the new car dealers do. so olã© is a definite benefit to them, as far as puttingtheir policies on the system. so we love technology, and we think we're good at it, and we've hadfun doing it.