every immigrant that finds himself or herselfin the united states of america the wealthiest country on the planet, i believe that youneed to take the opportunity of free enterprise, of capitalism; where you can build a businessfor yourself and follow your dream. i remember watching the movies, i remember reading thenews, i remember watching the tv and i saw all these entrepreneurs and i just wantedto be like them. growing up in iran, especially after the revolution, people started thinkingthat america was not the land of all jobs but the land of all opportunities and theywere dreaming about it to get themselves here. surely my goal coming to the u.s was actuallyvery clear to me. i wanted to be educated and i wanted to build a house for my mother.i wanted to become the best person that i could be
in my life. i wanted to help my family, i wantedto help my community and i knew by coming here, i was going to be able to accomplish that.the idea of becoming an entrepreneur became permanent to me, when i realized i had dreamsand goals to go after but i was busy working for somebody else. i needed to work for myselfbecause i wanted to be financially independent. so being a single parent, havingtwo little kids, seven, twenty-four i needed something to do that fit my schedule. i didn'twant to work under someone else's schedule. there is nothing better than being your ownboss, that you're calling your own shots. i was becoming a business owner, doesn't matterwhat the cost is, even if i fail or win, i was doing it again and again. i believe theamerican dream is becoming an entrepreneur
and by being here in the united states ofamerica, it's giving you the opportunity to give the best, not only to give value to myselfbut also to give value to other people. the american dream isn't just words, the land of opportunityreally means something, for us the american dream starts be being an entrepreneur. so wecan make our own future. we make our dreams happen at php. join us i am kehinde thomas i am an entrepreneur.
i'm shirzad alborzi and i am an entrepreneur. i am rodolfo vargas and i am an entreprenur.