names of insurance companies

names of insurance companies

i'm romie brown. on behalf of experts village,i'm here to discuss with you tips and tidbits on how to buy homeowners insurance. in thisclip we're going to talk about some optional coverage?s. most of your base coverage?s inyour homeowner?s policy exclude a few things. you have to add that coverage back on in theform of endorsements or what not. your base policy, although it be good, it might notfit your personal needs. you need to make sure that all your things are covered. forexample, earthquake coverage. that is not covered in your basic homeowner?s have to add that on as an endorsement. in certain parts of the country you mightnot feel there is a need to have that coverage added on. and so be it. but in some partsof the country you need to have that because

they happen frequently. so it's importantto know exactly where you're buying and if that coverage is needed or necessary. oneof the things, backup of sewer or drains, which some people confuse with flood. backupof sewer and drains is just what it implies - when the sewer system backs up and it comesin your house through your sewer hose and so on and so forth through your drains. thatcoverage on most homeowner policies is not included. you have to buy a separate endorsement.use it in two types. one for just structure and one for structure and contents. so makesure you ask your insurance professional about that. it's very important also with has a standard limit or basic limit in a basic homeowner?s policy. if you havesome jewelry that is over $2,000 or $2,400

you need to actually add an endorsement likea floater or something to cover that separately. for the simple fact that if you have a $10,000ring and $2,000 worth of coverage, if that ring is stolen or whatnot, you will be a veryupset client and as an insurance professional you'll be upset because now you have to explainto that policyholder that they're $8,000 short on the ring that was very sentimental to themand so on and so forth. so it is important to go over all the optional coverage?s. ameeting with your insurance agent should take about close to an hour, but when you're done,it's an hour well spent because you know you have the proper coverage and everything thatyou need to have covered is covered.